Saturday, October 20, 2012

First they expose a CIA agent ...

... now "car thief" Darrell Issa exposes and put in danger people who are helping us overseas. Have the repugicans no shame?
Issa posted 166 pages of sensitive but unclassified state department communications related to Libya on the committee's website afternoon as part of his effort to investigate security failures and expose contradictions in the administration's statements regarding the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi that resulted in the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

 ... but Issa didn't bother to redact the names of Libyan civilians and local leaders mentioned in the cables, and just as with the Wikileaks dump of state department cables last year, the administration says that Issa has done damage to U.S. efforts to work with those Libyans and exposed them to physical danger from the very groups that had an interest in attacking the U.S. consulate. - More

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