Wednesday, October 3, 2012

More bad polls numbers for Romney

A quick look at latest polls continues to spell trouble for Mitt Romney on the morning of tonight’s crucial presidential debate.Obama is ahead of Romney in the NBC/WSJ poll:
Obama edges Romney by three points among likely voters, 49 percent to 46 percent, which is within the survey’s margin of error. Obama’s lead was five points, 50 percent to 45 percent, in the NBC/WSJ poll released two weeks ago, following the political conventions.
But among a wider pool of registered voters, the president is ahead of Romney by seven points, 51 percent to 44 percent.
Victim-gate took its toll on Romney:
Indeed, the poll also shows the toll the past month has taken on Romney, with a majority of registered voters saying that the events of the last couple of weeks had given them a less favorable impression of the repugican challenger.
What’s more, by a 2-to-1 margin, these voters have a negative reaction to Romney’s comment – caught on tape from a fundraiser back in May – that “47 percent” of Americans are dependent on government and believe they are victims.
Even the WSJ says the numbers are “challenging” for Romney, and that most Americans don’t see the presidential debates as game-changers.
Politico concurs that the 47% video hurt Romney:
Two-thirds of Americans have heard about repugican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s comments about the “47 percent,” and a majority of them said it makes them less likely to vote for the former Massachusetts governor.
Among Americans who knew Romney made the “47 percent” remarks, in which he said a portion of Americans saw themselves as “victims” dependent on government and were destined to vote for President Barack Obama, 55 percent had a negative reaction and 23 percent had a positive one, according to a Pew Research Center poll released Monday. A fifth had no reaction or a neutral reaction.
Independents were especially ticked.
Among independents, 18 percent had a positive reaction and 55 percent had a negative one.
Another poll shows that voters are finding Romney/Ryan more uncivil than Obama/Biden:
A majority of likely voters, 55 percent – 42 percent, considers President Obama’s campaign tone to be civil, while a plurality, 49 percent – 45 percent, perceives Governor Romney’s tone as uncivil. The civility gap is potentially significant because nearly half of likely voters polled, 48 percent, say the candidate’s civility will be a “very important” factor in how they vote.
The gap was much less pronounced for the Vice Presidential candidates. Vice President Biden was seen as civil by a margin of 49 percent to 43 percent while likely voters were evenly split in their assessment of Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan, with 46 percent saying he was civil and the same number saying he had been uncivil.

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