Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Obama's Army of Election lawyers are being dispatched all over the country

Obama's reelection campaign, openly concerned that repugicans will try to block
Democratic voters, is offering legal help to voters who see problems.

The president today said that the campaign has enlisted an army of lawyers to clear hurdles away

for his supporters, saying, "If people have problems voting, we can solve those problems.
We've got lawyers all across the country."

Urging supporters to vote early
, he said that voters should contact his campaign if they are prevented
from voting.  "If you vote early and you see that problem, we've got time to fix it," he said.

Democrats are worried that repugicans will block minorities and the poor at the polls.


Two thoughts:
It's nice to see Obama acting like he ain't no bandleader.

Bring your camera when you vote. If some repugi-thugs try to stop you,
   record it, upload it to Youtube and then send the link to everyone you know

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