Friday, October 26, 2012

Source confirms Romney using orange spray-on tan

Even Romney’s Tan Isn’t Sincere

Buzzfeed confirms what most of us already knew, but now they have a source: In spite of denials from the Romney campaign, Mitt is in fact using a spray-on tan before big events like television appearances.
So, yes, the Romney campaign even lied about Mitt’s tan.
A knowledgeable source tells BuzzFeed the answer is in a bit of cosmetic technology used commonly by celebrities: spray tanning. The repugican nominee has made a habit of spray tanning before major speeches, debates, interviews, and other events that have a chance of getting wide TV coverage, the source said. He pays for the process out of pocket — sparing his campaign the expense, and the task of masking it on public campaign finance reports — and steers clear of public salons where he could be recognized. Instead, he gets misted down in the comfort of his own home or hotel suite.
The Romney campaign flatly denied that the candidate spray tans: “Not true,” spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in response to an inquiry….
But Romney’s darker-than-usual complexion at the forum was actually the product of an exceptionally fresh spray tan, the source said.
Buzzfeed goes on to say that for tanning professionals, the fake-tan was obvious.

Violet Beauregarde wants her gum back.
“Oh, for sure he had a spray tan,” Jimmy Coco, a celebrity tanner from Los Angeles, told BuzzFeed while looking at pictures of the candidate. “I just see the sort of red hue that you get from some of the spray tanning places… The ears are white. That is a giveaway. If you look at Obama, he’s all one tone. A lot of times, what they do when they’re giving a spray tan, they’ll put a cap on and their cap will cover the ears.”
It was also obvious to our own in-house tanning expert, Gabe Ortíz, who noted: ”even his tan isn’t sincere.”
That’ll be the last time Mitt tries any of Mr. Wonka’s experimental three-course-meal chewing gum.

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