Thursday, October 11, 2012

The godfather of the 'tea party' loses it on CNBC over improving jobs numbers

There are a few reasonable people over there, but CNBC does their darnedest to keep the crazies in the spotlight.

CNBC wingnut Joe Kernan was tired of hearing “reason” on the show the other day, so he cut off non-conspiracy theorist Steve Liesman, who wasn’t feeding the job-numbers-conspiracy promoted by former GE CEO Jack Welch. Kernan then called on the Godfather of the Tea Party, Rick Santelli, who delivered the goods like no other channel besides Fox can deliver.
Santelli ranted about the poor state of the economy, despite the decrease in unemployment, and then added that he had predicted months ago that the September jobs report would be below 8%, implying the administration would fudge the numbers for positive press just before the election. “Take it any way you want!” Santelli said.
“Rick, what you’re implying with your comment…” Liesman interrupted.
“I’m not implying anything,” Santelli shouted back. “I’m telling you and it turned out that way. I’m a market whisperer.”
That’s one way of putting it.

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