Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The repugicans and the Facts

I caught this exchange in the comments on a repugican cultist website:

1st Commenter, October 22, 2012 - 9:48 pm:

"Presenting failure as success is an amazing talent.

"Our economy is rebounding, employment is up, oil is gushing, our enemies are in retreat and it will only take four more years in the White House for Obama to clear up Bush’s mess. Obama loves Israel, supports our military, is revered by our allies and feared by our enemies.

"I can’t imagine how anyone can even think of not giving this great President four more years."

2nd Commenter, October 23, 2012 - 2:32 am:

"It might be because everything you just said is untrue. The economy is stagnant, jobs are down, as is oil production on public land. Our enemies clearly don’t fear him, because they blatantly attacked us. Most of the people from other countries whom I’ve spoken to do not like Obama. They call him “weak” at best, and “insane” at worst.

"I don’t see how anyone who is thinking clearly and analyzing the actual record could possibly want to give this man another four years to do more damage.

"The only reason I see anyone voting for Obama is either confirmation bias (due to voting him in and not wanting to be wrong), or utter ignorance of the facts."

Sigh. A tale of two voters - one informed by the facts, the other apparently getting his "facts" from Faux News.

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