Wednesday, October 31, 2012

This repugican House hopeful mum on campaign manager’s incendiary, false tweets about Hurricane Sandy

Chris Wight For Congress Owes New Yorkers an Apology
There were a lot of amazing tweets during the night about the increasingly dire situation in New York City during the height of Hurricane Sandy, including some extraordinary photos of the damage.
But several of the most inflammatory tweets that went viral, and were used by newsrooms, were a lie.
Buzzfeed’s Jack Stuef discovered that they were posted Shashank Tripathi, a man working as campaign manager for repugican US House candidate Chris Wight, who’s running against Democratic Representative Carolyn Maloney of New York’s 12th congressional district, which includes parts of Manhattan that were flooded by Hurricane Sandy.  According to some reports, Tripathi is Wight’s campaign manager.
Stuef is also a vocal supporter of Mitt Romney, and claims to have organized phone banks for Romney in New York.
A sample of the things Tripathi wrote last night (Buzzfeed has many more):

That’s some pretty incendiary stuff.

Not a Word From Wight About Hoax

So it’s odd that wannabe congressman Chris Wight hasn’t said boo about his staffer trying to incite mass panic in New York last night during a national disaster.
Wight replaced Tripathi as campaign manager with someone else today, but Wight’s statement says absolutely nothing about the scandal committed by own campaign manager.  Not an acknowledgement, not even an apology.
You’d think Chris Wight would issue a statement apologizing to the people of New York, who he hopes to represent.  After all, the hoax was played on his own to-be constituents (should he win).  They deserve an answer.
What’s particularly odd is that Chris Wight replaced
Was this about trying to harm Democrats?  Was it about trying to influence the election in some way?  Did Chris Wight know that his campaign manager was orchestrating this charade?
We don’t know because Chris Wight isn’t talking.
Maybe time he did.

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