Monday, October 15, 2012

Today in History

1529   Ottoman armies under Suleiman end their siege of Vienna and head back to Belgrade.
1582   The Gregorian (or New World) calendar is adopted in Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal; and the preceding ten days are lost to history.
1783   Francois Pilatre de Rozier makes the first manned flight in a hot air balloon. The first flight was let out to 82 feet, but over the next few days the altitude increased up to 6,500 feet.
1813   During the land defeat of the British on the Thames River in Canada, the Indian chief Tecumseh, now a brigadier general with the British Army (War of 1812), is killed.
1863   For the second time, the Confederate submarine H L Hunley sinks during a practice dive in Charleston Harbor, this time drowning its inventor along with seven crew members.
1878   Thomas A. Edison founds the Edison Electric Light Co.
1880   Victorio, feared leader of the Minbreno Apache, is killed by Mexican troops in northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico.
1892   An attempt to rob two banks in Coffeyville, Kan., ends in disaster for the Dalton gang as four of the five outlaws are killed and Emmet Dalton is seriously wounded.
1894   Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish army officer, is arrested for betraying military secrets to Germany.
1914   Congress passes the Clayton Anti-Trust Act, which labor leader Samuel Gompers calls "labor's charter of freedom." The act exempts unions from anti-trust laws; strikes, picketing and boycotting become legal; corporate interlocking directorates become illegal, as does setting prices which would effect a monopoly.
1924   German ZR-3 flies 5000 miles, the furthest Zeppelin flight to date.
1941   Odessa, a Russian port on the Black Sea which has been surrounded by German troops for several weeks, is evacuated by Russian troops.
1945   Vichy French Premier Pierre Laval is executed by a firing squad for his wartime collaboration with the Germans.
1950   President Harry Truman meets with General Douglas MacArthur at Wake Island to discuss U.N. progress in the Korean War.
1964   Nikita Khrushchev is replaced by Leonid Brezhnev as leader of the Soviet Union.

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