Sunday, October 28, 2012

Today in History

312   Constantine the Great defeats Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maxentius at the Mulvian Bridge.
969   After a prolonged siege, the Byzantines end 300 years of Arab rule in Antioch.
1216   Henry III of England is crowned.
1628   After a fifteen-month siege, the Huguenot town of La Rochelle surrenders to royal forces.
1636   Harvard College, the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States, is founded in Cambridge, Mass.
1768   Germans and Acadians join French Creoles in their armed revolt against the Spanish governor of New Orleans.
1793   Eli Whitney applies for a patent on the cotton gin, a machine which cleans the tight-clinging seeds from short-staple cotton easily and effectively–a job which was previously done by hand.
1863   In a rare night attack, Confederates under Gen. James Longstreet attack a Federal force near Chattanooga, Tennessee, hoping to cut their supply line, the "cracker line." They fail.
1886   The Statue of Liberty, originally named Liberty Enlightening the World, is dedicated at Liberty Island, N. Y., formerly Bedloe's Island, by President Grover Cleveland
1901   Race riots sparked by Booker T. Washington's visit to the White House kill 34.
1904   The St. Louis police try a new investigation method: fingerprints.
1914   The German cruiser Emden, disguised as a British ship, steams into Penang Harbor near Malaya and sinks the Russian light cruiser Zhemchug.
1914   George Eastman announces the invention of the color photographic process.
1919   Over President Wilson's veto, Congress passes the National Prohibition Act, or Volstead Act, named after its promoter, Congressman Andrew J. Volstead. It provides enforcement guidelines for the Prohibition Amendment.
1927   Pan American Airways launches the first scheduled international flight.
1940   Italy invades Greece, launching six divisions on four fronts from occupied Albania.
1944   The first B-29 Superfortress bomber mission flies from the airfields in the Mariana Islands in a strike against the Japanese base at Truk.
1960   In a note to the OAS (Organization of American States), the United States charges that Cuba has been receiving substantial quantities of arms and numbers of military technicians" from the Soviet bloc.

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