Sunday, October 28, 2012

US more racist now than before Obama, poll shows

Not so surprisingly, four years of racist hate from the tea party and mainstream repugicans has come with a price: a new poll shows that racial prejudice has increased slightly since 2008.Day after day, year after year, they spew hate and the repugican cabal leadership and much of the media fails to call them out for what they are.
Tea Party Rally 
Though they’re wearing American flag shirts or Paul Revere costumes, it’s not an overstatement to say these people hate America and what we used to stand for.
They’re against change, they’re terrified of the future, they detest science, and are as closed minded as the Taliban. Besides being generally ignorant, and not very bright, they control almost 50% of the politicians in Washington. How embarrassing for our country.
The added insult from these knuckle-draggers is that they will probably be blaming Obama for the increase in racism, rather than looking in the mirror and accepting what putrid hate mongers they are.
Racial attitudes have not improved in the four years since the United States elected its first black president, an Associated Press poll finds, as a slight majority of Americans now express prejudice toward blacks whether they recognize those feelings or not.
Those views could cost President Barack Obama votes as he tries for re-election, the survey found, though the effects are mitigated by some people’s more favorable views of blacks.
Racial prejudice has increased slightly since 2008 whether those feelings were measured using questions that explicitly asked respondents about racist attitudes, or through an experimental test that measured implicit views toward race without asking questions about that topic directly.

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