Sunday, November 11, 2012

Animal News

Brazil To Clone 'At Risk' Animals

Brazilian authorities are going to begin cloning the DNA of at-risk animals to keep in captivity. Read more
Brazil To Clone 'At Risk' Animals: DNews Nugget

Hot-Pink Angelfish Glows

The new angelfish joins the long line of genetically engineered fish, though this one won't be at your pet store anytime soon. Read more
Hot-Pink Angelfish Glows: DNews Nugget

Clownfish Talk to Keep the Peace

Finding Nemo fish communicate with a series of clicks and pops to keep the social order intact. Read more
Clownfish Talk to Keep the Peace: DNews Nugget

Do Some Animals Get a Taste for Human Blood?

Recent killings by a leopard in Nepal reveal how circumstances can cause predators to develop at taste for humans. Read more

Flesh-Eating Bug Killing Salmon

Nearly 40 percent of Atlantic salmon are being eaten alive by a nasty parasite. Read more
Flesh-Eating Bug Killing Salmon: DNews Nugget

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