Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Doctor Offers to Inject Poker Players with Botox for the Perfect Poker Face

poker table
Would you like to have a emotionless face, devoid of expression? If you're a professional poker player, the answer is yes. That's why Dr. Jack Berdy of New York City offers a service that he calls "Pokertox":
“Very few people can maintain a real poker face,’’ said Berdy. “They have some ‘tells,’ some expression that gives away that they have a good hand or a bad hand’’ to an opponent. [...]
“We can inject Botox appropriately’’ so the other player doesn’t get the message that they’re angry, disappointed or happy.
“What someone sees across the table is no movement,’’ he said.
Pokertox costs an average $600 to $800 and lasts three to four months, he says.

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