Monday, November 12, 2012

Exoskeleton Helps Paralyzed Man Walk Again

Four years ago, Mike Loura was struck by a car while riding his bike and became paralyzed. Today, he walked again for the first time thanks to a robotic exoskeleton:
"Ever since the accident all the doctors said you're never going to walk again," Loura said.
However, the husband and father of two girls is walking again. Thursday was day 15, the day Loura strapped on the wearable robot, a breakthrough technology, but it's the first time he's taking steps for others to see.
"Every time I take a step I kinda have to balance myself in a certain position for the machine to know that it's ready to take the next step," said Loura.
"It has an exoskeleton system with battery powered motor that allows someone who can't feel and can't move," said Dr. David Rosenblum, "who's paralyzed, the ability to go from sit to stand to actually taking steps."
WTNH News8 has the post and video clip: here.

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