Sunday, November 18, 2012

House repugicans retract copyright paper in less than 24 hours

It took less than 24 hours for the entertainment industry's lobbyists to bully the House repugican Study Committee into retracting its eminently sensible copyright position paper. They did it with a mealy-mouthed apology, claiming the paper "was published without adequate review."

Here's Mike Masnick on the subject:
The idea that this was published "without adequate review" is silly. Stuff doesn't just randomly appear on the RSC website. Anything being posted there has gone through the same full review process. What happened, instead, was that the entertainment industry's lobbyists went crazy, and some in the repugican cabal folded.
Frankly, if they wanted to win back the youth vote, this was exactly how not to do it. If you just look through the comments on our post on the original, or through the Twitter response to this report, there were tons of people -- many of whom were lifelong Democrats -- claiming that they would switch parties if the repugicans stuck with this. Instead, they folded like a cheap card table in less than 24 hours.
The repugicans  Retract Report On Copyright Reform

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