Monday, November 26, 2012

Man Accused Of Killing Teens Could Be Charged Today

A Morrison County Minnesota man accused of shooting and killing two teens will likely be charged on Monday.Sheriff’s deputies found a 17-year-old boy and an 18-year-old woman inside Byron Smith’s basement on Friday. He told authorities he shot the two after they broke into his home.
But investigators think there’s more to this story.
Authorities say Smith didn’t call for help after the break-in and shooting happened on Thanksgiving afternoon.
Deputies only showed up to his home after getting a report of suspicious activity the next day.
The sheriff did say that anyone has the right to defend their home, with deadly force, if necessary, but in this case investigators say there are clues that show Smith went too far.
Friends identified the teens as 18-year-old Haley Kifer and 17-year-old Nicolas Brady.
Kifer was an athlete — a gymnast and on the dive team at Little Falls High School.
Brady, her cousin, will be remembered for his willingness to help a friend.
“Nick was always the kid to go and talk to about problems but he’s not there anymore, which kind of has a huge impact on people,” said Devin Robbins, a friend. “She was an amazing person. I don’t even know where to start with her. She was a great role model. She always knows how to make people smile, she’s caring.”
Smith will be in court Monday and could face second-degree murder charges.
We did a search of his criminal background and there’s no history of any violent behavior.

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