Saturday, November 24, 2012

Man left child in car to shop

Police say a Springfield, Massachusetts man left his girlfriend's 2-year-old son in a car while he went shopping for Black Friday bargains, then went home with his new 51-inch flat screen television and left the toddler behind.
Alerted by store security, the police found the boy asleep in the vehicle in a K-Mart parking lot at about 1:30 a.m. Friday.

They forced their way into the car and took the boy to the hospital as a precaution.

Meanwhile, they tracked the man to his home.

He told police he lost the boy while shopping, panicked, and called someone else for a ride. The boy's mother was working.

The 34-year-old man was not arrested and not immediately charged, but police say they expect to charge him with reckless endangerment to a child.

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