Saturday, November 17, 2012

Repugicans want stuff

Repugican voters want stuff.Once again, much like farmers and other repugican voters, the hypocrisy is palatable  If I didn’t know any better, I might come to the conclusion that race is a big part of this. Could it be – as shocking as it sounds – that repugican voters are more than happy to accept stuff for themselves, but find it unacceptable when the stuff magnet is a minority?
Red Staters and their allies in Congress and at Faux News are often aggressively, and racist-ly, ignorant about just who in America are the givers and who are the takers:

Of the 32 states which receive more than they contribute [from the federal government], 27 states (84%) are republican.Of the 18 states which contribute more than they receive, 14 states (78%) are Democratic.
guy with money
Just as it’s annoying to hear repugicans reject repugican ideas when they are proposed by Obama (the individual mandate comes to mind, or pretty much anything Mitt Romney once claimed to believe in), it’s annoying to whine about other people getting stuff, when there are plenty of people across the board getting stuff, and a lot of it necessary stuff in a time of economic turmoil.
Look in a mirror Red voters, because j’accuse:
Seventy percent of counties with the fastest-growth in food-stamp aid during the last four years voted for the Republican presidential candidate in 2008, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. They include repugican strongholds like King County, Texas, which in 2008 backed repugican John McCain by 92.6 percent, his largest share in the nation; and fast-growing Douglas County, Colorado.
That means Romney is counting on votes from areas where lower-income people have become more reliant on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as food stamps. Mark Baisley, who heads Douglas County’s repugican cabal, said many recipients will back Romney in hopes he’ll improve the economy.

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