Friday, November 2, 2012

Romney offends another ally: Italy

Mitt Romney has offended yet another important US ally, this time Italy.We learn via AGI, one of the top Italian wire services, that Romney, while speaking yesterday in Roanoke, Virginia had a few choice words for Italy:
Speaking at an campaign rally in Roanoke, Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, took aim at President Obama by citing Greece, Italy and Spain as examples of countries that the U.S. will end up like:
“If you are a big company and are thinking of making a large investment, you have to ask yourself, ‘Is America going down the same road as Greece?’ Are we heading for a great economic crisis like the ones we are seeing in Europe, Italy and Spain, and in other parts of the world?’ If we continue to spend $1 trillion more than we take in, America will find itself on that same road.”
HuffPo reports that the Italians were ticked, and boy are they. I went around and looked at the top Italian papers, and almost all of them have given Romney’s attack on Italy front-page billing.  I speak Italian, almost all of them quote Romney saying “With Obama, we will become like Italy.”  A number of them also used a nasty photo of Romney I’d not seen before.
Now remember, this isn’t the first time Romney has insulted an important US ally.
Romney’s poor management skills weren’t a gaffe, they’re a feature.
Look at his foreign trip. His big chance to prove himself on the world stage. What did Romney do? He offended the British, insulted both the Israelis and the Palestinians, and then desecrated a Polish holy site for good measure. By the time his trip was finished, all three countries were ready for Romney to self-deport asap.
And now we welcome the Italians to the wreckage of foreign relationships that is Hurricane Romney.
Here are several of the front pages from a number of the top Italian papers :
Corriere della Sera
Corriere della Sera
Il Giornale
Il Giornale
Il Messaggero
Il Messaggero
La Repubblica
La Repubblica
La Stampa
La Stampa
Il Gazzettino
Il Gazzettino
Il Resto del Carlino
Il Resto del Carlino
Il Secolo XIX
Il Secolo XIX

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