Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Owl who is Scared of the Outdoors

Amateur photographer Mark Bridger was at the Knowsley Safari Park near Liverpool, England, when he spotted a ghost-like figure staring out of a brick house window. He's just found Gandalf the Grey (Owl, that is):
Gandalf the Great Grey Owl gets scared flying out in the open so his owners have built his aviary inside a brick shed. He now spends his days watching the world go by out of his window. "He is a bit of a wuss as he doesn't like flying in big open spaces," said owner Janet Southard [...]
"When we moved here we put him in the shed temporarily while we built his aviary outside. "But he didn't want to move so now he has an aviary inside the lovely red brick shed.
The Daily Telegraph has the story: here.

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