Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Christmas Story named to The Library of Congress' Film Registry

Remember Scotty Schwartz?
Mark Kernes Tweets: Remember Scotty Schwartz [pictured left]? He was one of the Hollywood guys that hung around the industry in the '90s, did a bunch of non-sex roles and even a couple of sex scenes.

He's possibly best remembered for being the kid whose tongue got stuck to a lamppost in "A Christmas Story." So guess what? The Library of Congress's 2012 National Film Registry has picked "A Christmas Story" as one of its top 25 must-be-preserved movies. A PORN STAR (sorta) IN THE NATIONAL FILM REGISTRY — AWRIGHT!

Scotty who starred in Scotty's X Rated Adventure with Juli Ashton for Wicked Pictures will have his autobiography out in 2013 for the 30th anniversary of A Christmas Story.

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