Sunday, December 16, 2012

Astronomical News

First Planetary Flyby Occurred 50 Years Ago

Mariner 2 zoomed to within 21,564 miles of Venus on Dec. 14, 1962. Read more
First Planetary Flyby Occurred 50 Years Ago

Chinese Probe Buzzes Asteroid Toutatis

The Chinese Chang'e 2 probe has completed flyby of asteroid Toutatis, a five-kilometer-long space rock that recently had a "close" encounter with Earth. Read more
Chinese Probe Buzzes Asteroid Toutatis

Will NASA Boldly Go to Europa?

Researchers are developing a mission that would assess the habitability of the icy satellite. Read more
Will NASA Boldly Go to Europa?

Kamikaze Probes to Smash into Lunar Mountain

The two NASA GRAIL robotic moon satellites will make the suicidal and dramatic plunge into a lunar mountain on Monday. Read more
Kamikaze Probes to Smash into Lunar Mountain

Andromeda's Bling: Tiny Greedy Quasar Found

That's right, the nearby spiral galaxy Andromeda is strutting some quasar bling -- the first microquasar discovered beyond our own galaxy. Read more
Andromeda's Bling: Tiny Greedy Quasar Found

Hubble Detects Furthest Oldest Galaxy... Again?!

It seems like every other day astronomers have discovered the "oldest most distant galaxy" -- but this new record breaker is really very old, and extremely distant. Read more
Hubble Detects Furthest Oldest Galaxy... Again?!

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