Friday, December 14, 2012

Female Pilots Cut From Return of the Jedi

vAlmost 30 years later, we find out that there were female Rebel pilots in the 1983 film Return of the Jedi. Two of them are finally seen in the Blu-ray version just released.
Though women fighter pilots were seen amongst the crowd within the Rebel Cruiser briefing room earlier in RETURN OF THE JEDI, it was believed that none were seen in the actual final battle above Endor...until now, with the Blu-ray revealing that one of the brave A-wing pilots was indeed female (as seen in the above image) but, for reasons unknown (probably an accident made during the Post Production dialogue re-dubbing phase in the US) replaced with a male actors voice instead (with one line: "Got it"). Her character was seemingly killed mere seconds later by a TIE fighter.
There were four female Rebel pilots in all, but two are still unseen. Which means, of course, that there is still a lot of unused Star Wars footage available for new edits of the existing films for future releases. See more pictures at Star Wars Aficionado Magazine.

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