The bones, discovered in a gravel pit in Piltdown, East Sussex, in 1912 alongside animal fossils and stone tools, were celebrated as a missing link in the evolution between apes and humans that lived around 500,000 years ago. It was nearly 50 years before it was exposed as a fake, while the perpetrators, and their motives, have remained unknown ever since. However, archaeologists, palaeontologists and anthropologists are this week holding a special meeting at the Geological Society in London to discuss the results of the latest investigation into the hoax aimed at finally answering the outstanding questions.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
New Study Promises To Lay Mystery Of Piltdown Man To Rest
The bones, discovered in a gravel pit in Piltdown, East Sussex, in 1912 alongside animal fossils and stone tools, were celebrated as a missing link in the evolution between apes and humans that lived around 500,000 years ago. It was nearly 50 years before it was exposed as a fake, while the perpetrators, and their motives, have remained unknown ever since. However, archaeologists, palaeontologists and anthropologists are this week holding a special meeting at the Geological Society in London to discuss the results of the latest investigation into the hoax aimed at finally answering the outstanding questions.
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