Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Soledad O’Brien pins repugican Sessions over fiscal cliff proposal to cut food stamps to kids

Soledad O’Brien was not amused that Mr. Sessions plans on taking food out of the mouths of starving children.

Soledad O’Brien does it again.  As part of her ongoing crusade to ask serious people serious questions, CNN’s Soledad O’Brien asked Alabama repugican Jeff Sessions to explain why he thinks balancing the budget on the backs of starving children, by cutting food stamps, is a good idea.(Sessions is the worst of the worst. He’s a walking stereotype of your worst nightmare of a politician from Alabama.)
Sessions was speechless.  Nearly. It’s not often that journalists have the nerve to ask US Senator actual normal questions with normal follow-up questions when they don’t answer the first one.
Mother Jones does a great write-up of the interview, here’s one great quote:
Then, O’Brien went for the jugular. “I mean, it’s 61 percent of households in your state have children who are recipients of the food program they are on,” she said. At a loss, Sessions attempted to shift the conversation. “Do you think there’s no problem with the program?” he asked O’Brien. “Do you think it’s perfectly well-run?”
“I guess my question would be, when are you thinking of things to cut… Why not cut something else? There are other things that could be on the table before you pick a program that is feeding the nation’s poor children.”
And here’s a great pic of Sessions, just stone-faced, as O’Brien looks at her notes and says, wait, you just complained about the Food Stamp program growing, but you voted twice to expand it.  Priceless:
Soledad O'Brien asks Sen Sessions why he wants to starve poor children
Yes, my favorite 16 deadly Sol-splainin’ faces were out in full force.
Sessions didn’t have a chance.

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