Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Stephen Colbert is South Carolina’s favorite for new US Senator

If South Carolina had its way, Stephen Colbert would be repugican Senator Jim Demint’s successor in the U.S. Senate.From Public Policy Polling:
Colbert tops the wish list of who South Carolina voters would like to see join that body at 20%, followed by Tim Scott at 15%, Trey Gowdy at 14%, Jenny Sanford at 11%, Henry McMaster and Mark Sanford at 8%, Jeff Duncan and Joe Wilson at 5%, and Mick Mulvaney at 4%.
Stephen Colbert: There is no Santa Claus in CanadaSadly, Nikki Haley has already ruled out appointing Colbert, saying that his inability to correctly identify milk as South Carolina’s state drink disqualifies him from office.
Supporters of Colbert should be quick to retort that, in the same interview, Haley herself was unable to identify the spotted salamander as South Carolina’s state amphibian.
It should also be noted that the disgraced former governor, Mark Sanford, polled at a respectable eight percent in PPP’s survey and Joe “You Lie” Wilson, South Carolina’s second most-liberal congressman, edged Mick Mulvaney, the state’s most conservative congressman, with five percent.

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