Saturday, December 1, 2012

The hated party of no, says no again, to no one’s surprise

Surprise, surprise!The repugican cabal – better known as the Party of No – is saying “no” yet again.
Despite failing to win the White House or the Senate, plus receiving fewer votes than Democrats across the country for the House, the Party of No is doing what they always do. Saying no.
You might think that after losing so badly, they might start to realize that Americans really don’t like them – one could say the American people said “no.”
Joe Klein of Time is calling them “drama queens” and he’s right. Saying “no” is all they have to offer (it’s all they ever had to offer).

How pathetic.
House Speaker John Boehner (r-OH) said negotiations between the White House and repugicans are at a “stalemate” after a proposal by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and White House Director of Legislative Affairs Rob Nabors was soundly rejected by repugicans yesterday.
“There’s a stalemate, let’s not kid ourselves,” Boehner said Friday at a news conference following President Obama’s event in Pennsylvania.
Boehner contended that the White House’s proposal was “not a serious proposal,” and that he’s disappointed that three weeks after he gave a speech saying repugicans would be willing to budge on revenues – but not tax rates as the president has called for — that this is what was offered to them.
“When I come out the day after the election and make it clear that repugicans will put revenue on the table, I took a great risk,” Boehner claimed, adding of the White House plan, “It’s not a serious proposal and so right now we’re almost nowhere.”
We are nowhere, because Boehner and the repugican cabal can’t come up with a single reasonable idea for America. They are as useless as they come.

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