Friday, December 21, 2012

The repugicans want kudos for working week before Xmas – uh, who doesn’t?

Why does Congress always want kudos for working the hours the rest of us do? 

Much like the article last month making a “big deal” about Congress working the week of Thanksgiving – like everyone else in America – the repugican cabal is trying to impress people by letting them know they’re not leaving yet for Xmas.Oh wow, how impressive. Working the week before Xmas. How 99% of you.
The repugicans in Congress spend years messing up the economy with unnecessary wars and irresponsible tax cuts, forcing us into a false deadline to resolve the so-called fiscal cliff that they created, and now suddenly  that we’re facing with cleaning up their mess, they’re all “look at how hard we work,” not taking off the entire week before Xmas, which nearly no one in America does.
Postpone the week-long party, the Republicans are actually working the week before Christmas. How butch of them.  Christmas party via Shutterstock.
How the Republicans normally spend the week before Xmas when the rest of America is busy working.

The repugicans and the rest of Congress work a schedule that makes college life sound demanding, but now we’re supposed to be impressed. Whatever. The minimum wage workers who are stuck working on Thanksgiving day, and almost every other day of the year, are probably less impressed. Even folks who work at home, like mme, don’t see as much free time as Congress — so spare me the tough-guy story.
I’m sorry, but it annoys me when I see such an idiotic story pushed out by the political class, and reporters buying it.
House repugicans plan to forge ahead on Thursday with “Plan B,” their “fiscal cliff” fallback plan, but they will not be skipping town after voting on the measures because they still hope for a broader deal with the White House.
We do not intend to send members home,” repugican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor told reporters. “We want to stay here, we want to avoid the fiscal cliff from happening.”
That’s nice, Eric. None of us are taking the week off either.  And you don’t see us bragging about it.
This reminds me of kids in school who procrastinate for week, and then want a medal for doing a project at the last minute.  Choosing to create a problem, then push it out for years, only means you’re a bit of an idiot, not a hard worker.

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