Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Today in History

1688 James II abdicates the throne because of William of Orange landing in England.
1816 Indiana is admitted to the Union as the 19th state.
1861 A raging fire sweeps the business district of Charleston, South Carolina, adding to an already depressed economic state. A walking tour of Charleston.
1862 Union General Ambrose Burnside occupies Fredericksburg and prepares to attack the Confederates under Robert E. Lee.
1863 Union gunboats Restless, Bloomer and Caroline enter St. Andrew's Bay, Fla., and begin bombardment of both Confederate quarters and saltworks.
1882 A production of Gilbert and Sullivan's Iolanthe at Boston's Bijou Theatre becomes the first performance in a theatre lit by incandescent electric lights.
1927 Nearly 400 world leaders sign a letter to President Calvin Coolidge asking the United States to join the World Court.
1930 As the economic crisis grows, the Bank of the United States closes its doors.
1933 Reports say Paraguay has captured 11,000 Bolivians in the war over Chaco.
1936 Britain's King Edward VIII abdicates the throne to marry American Wallis Warfield Simpson.
1941 The United States declares war on Italy and Germany.
1943 U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull demands that Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria withdraw from the war.
1945 A Boeing B-29 Superfortress shatters all records by crossing the United States in five hours and 27 minutes.
1951 Joe DiMaggio announces his retirement from baseball.
1955 Israel raids Syrian positions on the Sea of Galilee.
1964 Frank Sinatra, Jr., is returned home to his parents after being kidnapped for the ransom amount of $240,000.
1967 The Concorde, a joint British-French venture and the world's first supersonic airliner, is unveiled in Toulouse, France.
1972 Challenger, the lunar lander for Apollo 17, touches down on the moon's surface, the last time that men visit the moon.
1978 Massive demonstrations take place in Tehran against the shah.

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