Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Hampshire to be first state with all-female congressional delegation

This is a really big deal and exciting news from New Hampshire.It has always bothered me that Congress is so under-represented with women, though 2012 showed real progress.
Even the new Senate will only include 20% women, while the House is a meager 18%.
In the case of New Hampshire, Democrats are doing an impressive job with putting women in a position to win. This is not a fake “binders full of women” that repugicans talk about, but something real.
Ann McLane Kuster
Ann McLane Kuster, Democrat, US House
Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat, US Senator
Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat, US Senator
Carol Shea-Porter, Democrat, US House
Carol Shea-Porter, Democrat, US House
Kelly Ayotte, Republican, US Senate
Kelly Ayotte, repugican, US Senate
The NYT reports that the governor, the speaker of the State House, and the chief justice of the state Supreme Court are all women as well.
We need a lot more of this.
Women won the state’s two Congressional seats. Women already held the state’s two Senate seats. When they are all sworn into office on Thursday, New Hampshire will become the first state in the nation’s history to send an all-female delegation to Washington.
And the matriarchy does not end there. New Hampshire’s new governor is a woman. So are the speaker of the State House and the chief justice of the State Supreme Court.
“Pink is the new power color in New Hampshire,” declared Ann McLane Kuster, one of the newly elected representatives, at a recent forum at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at St. Anselm College in Manchester, where the women’s historic milestone was celebrated.

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