Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rig the Vote: The repubgicans Push for Soviet Style Elections Where the Loser Wins

By: Sarah Jones 

Bob Shrum, Professor of Public Policy at NYU and Daily Beast contributor, was on the Ed Show discussing how repugicans are trying to gerrymander the Presidency when he announced that repugicans want to “Institutionalize a system where the loser wins… Soviet style election.”
Watch here:
Ed Schultz started the segment off explaining that repugicans are trying to rig the next election, “repugicans in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Michigan want to change the way they award electoral votes. They aren’t trying to improve the system, they only want to change the electoral process for some people….”
The repugicans aren’t trying to change red states like Kansas. Oh, no. Kansas is fine, thank you very much. The repugicans want to change the rules in these blue states currently controlled by repugicans:Michigan, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Under their new rules, repugicans would have gotten an extra 45 electoral votes for Mitt Romney.
Bob Shrum summed it up as a felonious assault on elections, “What’s going on here is a felonious assault on free elections. It’s an attempt to gerrymander the presidency. If you think about it, you could argue that the repugicans haven’t won the presidency on the up and up since 1988.”
Yes, he went there. He continued, “They stole 2000, when they stole Florida with the complicity of the Supreme Court. In 2004, they engaged in massive voter suppression. People in Ohio had to wait 8-10 hours to vote and tens of thousands of them couldn’t wait 8-10 hours. They tried it again in 2012 and they lost. They can’t win the presidency so what they want to do is institutionalize a system where the loser wins… This is a kind of Soviet style elections.”
Not only did Bob Shrum just admit on national TV that repugicans stole 2000 and most likely 2004 (this is something not mentioned by MSM, but the facts are the facts), but he also likened repugican elections to Soviet style elections.
The repugicans know they can’t win without cheating and disenfranchsing large groups of the electorate. At some point, it might be easier if they just changed their policies in order to actually attract real voters. Obviously they don’t feel that would pay off or they would do it.
The real question Americans should be asking themselves is just what is the huge payoff that makes repugicans so willing to risk continuing to lose elections and having to resort to cheating to win? We know their Southern Strategy is on its last legs, and has marginalized them to a regional party. But what exactly was the Southern Strategy meant to hide? That is the real question.

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