Monday, January 21, 2013

The Biggest Threat to America is the repugican cabal’s Domestic Wingnut Right Wing Extremists

Right Wing Extremists
It is a secular humanist’s dream to live in a world where no country on Earth required a military to protect its citizens from invasion, but like most Utopian fantasies, such a world will never exist. As the leader of the free world, America has built up a huge military to protect the nation’s interests, its allies, and its way of life for its people. After the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, despite the senseless invasion of two Islamic countries, the nation is still engaged in a war to combat global terrorism to prevent Islamic extremists from planning and launching attacks on Americans at home and the nation’s interests abroad. The war on terror focuses on groups loosely affiliated with the Al Qaeda terrorist network, but it turns out that Islamic extremists do not pose the greatest threat to America according to a 2009 report by the Department of Homeland Security. The biggest threat to America, its people, and government is from domestic right-wing extremist groups that fall under the purview of the repugican cabal that gives unwavering legislative support to their affiliates in religious, racist, and anti-government extremist movements.
The 2009 Homeland Security report cited the repugican Great Recession and resulting economic climate, along with the election of an African American man as President, as the primary drivers fueling the resurgence of domestic anti-American terror groups. At the time, the DHS-commissioned report drew special attention to the fact that “extremist right-wing groups posed more of a threat than Islamic extremists,” and repugicans objected loudly prompting Secretary Janet Napolitano to withdraw that report because as Americans have come to realize, repugicans cannot handle the truth. However, a new study from West Point’s Combatting Terrorism Center evaluates the risks from domestic terror groups titled “Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right,” that isolated three categories that represent the John Birch iteration and anti-American sentiment inherent in the repugican cabal.
The report identified and examined the background ideologies and methods of the Racist White Supremacy Movement,christian Fundamentalist Movement, and Anti-Federal Government Movement Americans have learned make up the core of the repugican cabal’s legislative agenda that, as the report points out, poses an existential risk to the United States. What the report discovered was that each of the groups will use violence against their targets to emphasize their ideologies regardless if it is racial minorities, abortion clinics, or government agencies, and the past two years reveal their agenda and ideology is synonymous with the repugican cabal.
One need look no farther than the recent repugican campaign leading up to the general election to identify the terror groups’ deep-seated ideology founded in racism, religious extremism, and anti-government agenda, and why the result of the election increased the spectre of violence and calls for race war, violence against the federal government, and attempts to impose christianity on all facets of government and the people. It is tempting to cite the recent gun control measures as the reason for increased calls for violent intervention to transform America into a collection of theocratic Aryan states, but it is more likely the result of the American electorate rejecting the racist, extremist christian, and anti-government agenda promised by repugican candidates from Willard Romney down to state and local level representatives identified as repugicans or teabaggers.
During the repugican presidential primary and leading right up to the general election, candidates decried President Obama’s practice of stealing money from white Americans to give to African Americans “who just want more free stuff.” Romney, particularly, utilized a Ku Klux Klan slogan and portrayed President Obama as a foreigner who did not understand what it meant to be an American, and claimed the President pacified muslim’s and degraded christians and their favorite nation, Israel. Nearly all repugican candidates diligently pushed extremist christian agendas against women and gays by promising to repeal Roe v. Wade, defund Planned Parenthood, ban contraception, and criminalize same-sex marriage that are part and parcel of the fundamentalist christian agenda. All repugicans campaigned to weaken and defund all aspects of the federal government except defense, and promised to give states sovereignty over the federal government regardless the Supremacy clause in the U.S. Constitution.
The West Point report examined the three terror groups, racists, fundamentalist christians, and anti-federal government advocates as individual threats in their own right, but combined, they represent everything the repugican cabal promised to impose on the nation if they prevailed in the general election. It is impossible to segregate the right-wing extremists into separate groups when their combined ideologies fall under the aegis of repugican dogma, and the government cannot address any of the groups’ threats without first addressing why, and where, they got the idea their extremist agenda would garner legislative support, without which they will resort to violence.
The repugicans began pushing the extremists’ agenda on the first day of the 112th  Congress, and if one examines every proposal and piece of legislation proposed by repugicans in Congress and state legislatures over the past two years, they will find some ideological aspect of the three extremist groups’ cited in the West Point report, and since their chance at imposing their radical agenda through repugican legislation failed in the general election, as the study clearly stated, they will use violence to achieve their aims.
The repugicans cannot possibly deny their, and the three violent extremist groups, agenda are nearly identical, and to shift attention away from the repugican cabal’s culpability, one repugican said the Combating Terrorism Center was guilty of “perpetuating the left’s myth that right-wingers are terrorists,” but since repugicans promote racial bigotry, christian fundamentalism, and anti-federal government rhetoric and legislation, the myth is the repugican cabal is not promoting domestic terrorism. The uncontestable proof is that besides pushing legislation supported by the three extremist terror groups, not one repugican has denounced calls for violence against racial minorities, women, gays, or the government because the right-wing extremists and repugican ideology are one and the same.

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