Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Welsh Tourist Wrestles Australian Shark

vPaul Marshallsea of Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, was barbecuing at Bulcock Beach in Australia when he heard bathers yell "Shark!" The 62-year-old tourist saw a shark approaching children and ran into the water, grabbed the shark, and pulled it away from the youngsters.
"My instincts took over and I just grabbed the shark by the tail.

"I know it was dangerous but it almost looked beautiful - you have got to have respect for a beautiful animal."

Helicopters and lifesavers on water bikes later lured the shark out to sea with the tide.

An Australian coastguard spokesman said: "We don't recommend manhandling sharks but this gentleman did a great job."
The six-foot dusky shark snapped at Marshallsea's leg, but missed by a fraction of an inch. A nearby TV crew caught the action on video. More

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