Friday, February 8, 2013

A 9-year-old gives birth

Officials are looking for the 17-year-old father

A 9-year-old child gave birth to a baby girl on Jan. 27, 2013 at the Zoquipan hospital in Jalisco, Mexico.
At the time of pregnancy, she was eight years old and apparently the father is a 17-year- old who has not been located, according to a report from ABC on Feb. 6.
Prosecutors have began searching for the father of child that was born to the 9-year-old and authorities say this bizarre pregnancy may be a case of rape or child sexual abuse.
“Due to her young age and to the fact that her body was not ready to give birth,” says Dr. Enrique Rabago, director of Zoquipan Hospital“the medical team decided a C-Section was the best option” for both mother and child."
The baby was born healthy and both the 9-year-old mother and daughter were discharged, but the hospital said it will be closely monitoring the baby's development due to the young age of her mother.

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