Friday, February 8, 2013

Egyptian prime minister says women's unclean breasts cause diarrhea

Cabinet meetings usually discuss the state of economy, wars and general matters of governance. However, Egypt's Prime Minister Hisham Qandil recently utilized a meeting to talk about the dangers of “unclean” breasts.
The PhD holding prime minister who studied water resources, somehow, related the lack of clean water to the lack of clean breasts. While meeting with his cabinet members he spoke in an emotional manner as he recounted the struggle of the villagers he witnessed on his trips as a minister.

He narrated his experience as a middle-class Egyptian who traveled to the rural areas of the country where he saw the suffering of newborns having to deal with diarrhea after being breast fed.

The prime minister claimed that the reason behind the diarrhea epidemic in rural Egypt is that some female villagers are too ignorant to clean their breasts before feeding their babies.

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