Friday, February 8, 2013

Grammys 2013: CBS issues ban on side-boobs and ‘female breast nipples’

Also banned from Grammy telecast: political and other causes
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Back in 2002, Pink, Christina Aguilera and Mya won for "Lady Marmalade." Would the Grammy wardrobe inspectors approve of their skimpy clothing?
Back in 2002, Pink, Christina Aguilera and Mya won for "Lady Marmalade." Would the Grammy wardrobe inspectors approve of their skimpy clothing?

Attention Grammy attendees (particularly of the female persuasion): You better tighten your corsets and zip up your turtlenecks because if you show any kind of improper skin you’re going to be in wicked trouble with CBS Standard and Practice.
We have obtained a wardrobe advisory sent to an anonymous source, who quips, “I assume that my lovely colleagues do not get this same email for the Oscars. And yes, this is a real email.”
Here is the mail in all its glory:
CBS Program Practices advises that all talent appearing on camera please adhere to Network policy concerning wardrobe.
Please be sure that buttocks and female breasts DIRTY, DIRTY GIRLS are adequately covered. Thong type costumes are problematic WELL, THEY HAVE A POINT THERE. Please avoid exposing bare fleshy under curves of the buttocks and buttock crack. Bare sides or under curvature of the breasts is also problematic. Please avoid sheer see-through clothing that could possibly expose female breast nipples. AS OPPOSED TO FEMALE FOOT NIPPLES? EAR NIPPLES? Please be sure the genital region is adequately covered so that there is no visible “puffy” bare skin WHAT? exposure. Please avoid commercial identification of actual brand name products on T-shirts. SUCKS TO BE YOU, DOLCE & GABBANA. Foreign language on wardrobe will need to be cleared. DAMN. I GUESS “DU ER ET ENORMT TORSKEHOVED” ISN’T GOING TO FLY THIS YEAR. Obscenity or partially seen obscenity on wardrobe is unacceptable for broadcast. This as well, pertains to audience members that appear on camera. Finally, The Network requests that any organized cause visibly spelled out on talent’s wardrobe be avoided. DON’T BRING YOUR WHALE-SAVING, CHILD-FEEDING, WAR-STOPPING FILTH TO OUR SHOW. This would include lapel pins or any other form of accessory.”

OK, so the highlighted portions were added editorial comments

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