Sunday, February 24, 2013

Health News

For years researchers have been searching for a way to treat diabetics by reactivating their insulin-producing beta cells, with limited success. The “reprogramming” of related alpha cells into beta cells may one day offer a [...]
Washington University engineering researchers have created a new type of air-cleaning technology that could better protect human lungs from allergens, airborne viruses and ultra-fine particles in the air. The device, known as the SXC ESP, [...]

Our ancestors evolutionarily split from those of rhesus monkeys about 25 million years ago. Since then, brain areas have been added, have disappeared or have changed in function. This raises the question, ‘Has evolution given [...]
Scientists at Baycrest Health Sciences’ Rotman Research Institute (RRI) and the University of Toronto’s Psychology Department have found compelling evidence that older adults can eliminate forgetfulness and perform as well as younger adults on memory [...]

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