Monday, February 4, 2013

Krugman has it right

From The New York Times

Makers, Takers, Fakers
by Paul Krugman

The repugicans have a problem. For years they could shout down any attempt to point out the extent to which their policies favored the elite over the poor and the middle class; all they had to do was yell "Class warfare!" and Democrats scurried away. In the 2012 election, however, that didn't work: the picture of the repugican cabal as the party of sneering plutocrats stuck, even as Democrats became more openly populist than they have been in decades.

As a result, prominent repugicans have begun acknowledging that their party needs to improve its image. But here's the thing: Their proposals for a makeover all involve changing the sales pitch rather than the product. When it comes to substance, the repugican cabal is more committed than ever to policies that take from most Americans and give to a wealthy handful.

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