Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lush Dimbulb Insanely Claims Environmentalists Are Coming to Steal Your Electricity

Lush Dimbulb took his insanity to a new level the other day by claiming that environmentalists are out to take away the freedom to use electricity because they oppose the generation of electric power.
Here is the audio from Media Matters:
Dimbulb said, “Let me tell you why this happened. It’s one very simple reason. The cruise ship lost electricity. If you want to see entire cities experience what happened on that cruise ship, then you stand by idly and let the environmentalist wackos have their way and encroach very gradually on your freedom to use electricity that you pay for. They are opposed to carbon fuels, which means they are opposed to the generation of electricity.”
I am sure there are a lot of environmentalists out there who must be shocked to find out that they are opposed to electricity. In Lush Dimbulb’s tortured fantasy world being in favor of cleaner, more environmentally friendly power is the exact same thing as being opposed to electricity.
What is even more hilarious is Dimbulb’s attempt to paint environmentalists as being out to take away your right to use electricity. Stand up for freedom, turn on all the lights in your house. Hoard all of the electricity that you can because it is only a matter of time until the environmentalists come knocking on your door to tell you, no more electricity for you.
This latest paranoid Dimbulb fantasy is eerily reminiscent of his 2011 warning to his listeners that Michelle Obama was coming to confiscate their furnaces.
You, sophisticated Internet reader, may be asking yourself, “Who could possibly believe that environmentalists don’t want people to have electricity? Environmentalists use electricity too.” The answer to that question can be found in demographics. Dimbulb’s audience is 72% male, 80% wingnut, 75% of them support the NRA, 75% are religo-wingnut christians, and/or tea partiers and 100% are insane lunatics. The average Lush Dimbulb listener is 67 years old. (Dimbulb’s audience is actually two years older than the Faux News audience).
The same people who think Barack Obama is a Marxist, Socialist, Kenyan, Black Satan believe that environmentalists are coming after their “freedom” to use electricity.
Wingnuts listen to Lush Dimbulb tell them that their freedom to use electricity is in jeopardy, yet wonder why they continue to lose elections.
To those of us who aren’t in the wingnut bubble, the answer is obvious.

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