Friday, February 1, 2013

Newtown victim Heckled by Gun Nuts

by Taylor Berman

From their "What Would Django Do?" campaign to their ill-fated (and shooting-filled) Gun Masturbation Day to idiotic NRA commercials, pro-gun agitators have been on a roll.
But it's been a few days since their last PR disaster – surely they've done something stupid recently, right? Correct.
During a legislative hearing Monday at the Connecticut Capitol, protesters heckled the father of a six-year-old killed at Sandy Hook elementary.
When Neil Heslin, who was holding a picture of his deceased son during his testimony, asked the state senate why Bushmaster-type assault rifles should be legal, several gun nuts in the audience reportedly shouted him down, yelling "The Second Amendment!"
So just to repeat: the father of a six-year-old boy who died six weeks ago asked a question about the weapon that killed his son, and the the gun activists attending the testimony decided to heckle him.


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