Saturday, February 23, 2013

Obama Routs repugicans on Sequester as 56% of the repugican cabal Support His Balanced Approach

The repugicans have lost the sequester battle so comprehensively that according to the new USA Today/Pew Research poll, 56% of repugicans support Obama’s balanced approach to reducing the deficit.
According to a new USA Today/Pew Research poll, 49% those surveyed support the president’s short term delay of the sequester. Forty percent think the spending cuts should be allowed to go into effect. The repugican argument that new tax revenue should not be a part of further deficit reduction is being soundly rejected. Seventy six percent of those surveyed believe that the president and congress should focus on lowering the deficit through a combination of tax increases and spending cuts. Only 19% agree with the repugican approach of spending cuts alone.
The repugicans have also lost a majority of their party on this issue. Fifty six percent of repugicans support Obama’s balanced approach to reducing the deficit. Just 42% of repugicans support their own cabal’s position that the deficit should be reduced through spending cuts alone, but seventy three percent of all of those surveyed think that the balanced approach should be weighted towards spending cuts.
The entire standoff over the sequester is centered around whether or not the cuts will be avoided with a balanced approach of revenue and cuts. Judging by this poll. it appears House repugicans don’t have a leg to stand on. They don’t have public support for their cuts only position, and they even lack the support of a majority of their own party.
President Obama has already won the messaging war on taxes, the deficit, and the sequester. His victory is so comprehensive that even a majority of repugicans support his position. This poll illustrates that repugican members of Congress are no longer only out of step with the rest of the country. On this issue, they are out of step with a majority of their own cabal.
This same poll found that if the sequester cuts go into effect, congressional repugicans will be blamed by 49%-31% margin. The Boehner plan to blame Obama for the sequester is now a verified flop. If House repugicans maintain their unpopular position, you can expect their percentage of the blame to increase in the coming days.
House repugicans aren’t going to win a battle of public opinion with President Obama. The more they try, the bigger they lose.

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