Sunday, February 3, 2013

“Obviously” mentally ill man buys guns at Walmart, Gun World

Then shoots mom. Dismembers her.

From NewsOK we learn that Walmart and Gun World sold rifles and a glock, respectively, to a man who was “obviously” (per the police) mentally ill.
A few weeks later, the man, Gerald David Hume, shot his mother in the chest, dismembered her, and then got into an 11-hour standoff with the police.
WTF, Walmart? WTF, Gun World?
Oklahoma City Police Capt. Dexter Nelson said the fact that Hume, 52, was able to get the guns — despite being “visibly” mentally ill — is a scary reality in Oklahoma and a majority of the states in the nation.
Nelson said officers who’ve dealt with Hume described him as being “obviously” mentally ill.
“Obviously” mentally ill. But they sold him rifles and a handgun:
Gerald Hume was described by a relative as “a known schizophrenic” who hears voices and requires treatment, police Detective David Jacobson reported in an affidavit for a search warrant.
During the standoff, Gerald Hume admitted to a police negotiator that he had shot his mother in the chest, police Detective Ryan Porter reported in a court affidavit filed with the charge.
Police removed numerous guns, rifles and ammunition from the home he shared his mother.
Police also found a dead house cat and unspecified body parts that belonged to Janet Hume inside a freezer.
Oh and check out the man’s mugshot – who could have guessed that this guy had issues:
Gerald David Hume
Gerald David Hume mugshot. 
And remember, it was Walmart that sold Jared Lee Loughner the ammo he used to shoot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the head at a townhall meeting with constituents.
It takes a village to fuel America’s mass-murder mentality. The culpability goes far beyond the shooter. It includes stores like Walmart and Gun World that are happy to profit from weapons, and organizations like the NRA that spend millions to avoid any kind of political attempt to make things better.

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