Monday, February 18, 2013

Strange home intruder surprises police officers

Sheriff's deputies in Bartow County, Georgia responded to a residential break-in call in White on Thursday. When they arrived, they found something they never expected: a 30-pound wild turkey standing in the living room. "As I walked in, I saw feathers floating everywhere and saw broken glass," said Deputy Megan Kincer.

"I've been doing this for 10 years and I've never had anything similar." Arlene Shook was leading a field trip at the Georgia Aquarium when she got the phone call that someone had broken into her home. Kind of. "Oh, I definitely was relieved that it wasn't a person, until I got home and saw the mess that was made!" she laughed.

But the story gets even stranger: Deputy Kincer trapped the turkey in the master bedroom, closed the door and called animal control. But when they arrived moments later, the turkey was nowhere to be found. "We probably searched for maybe 45 minutes," said Arlene's son Todd Shook. "They looked under the bed, behind TVs ... we couldn't find it anywhere."

Arlene says she believes the turkey mistook the trees' reflection in the glass for its home. She said there are about 15 wild turkeys that frequent the trees around their backyard. Aside from a new window and a houseful of turkey droppings, the Shooks said they're no worse for the wear and laugh about the new story they have to tell. The turkey is still at large.

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