Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tennessee cops in body armor tell old woman to remove marijuana bumper sticker (was a buckeye leaf)

Police in Tennessee, in a black SUV and in full body armor, pulled over an elderly couple because they had a “suspicious” marijuana-ish (or so the cops claimed) bumper sticker on their car, that in fact was a buckeye leaf – the couple are Ohio State Buckeye fans.  The cops then ordered the couple to remove the bumper sticker.Good grief. I’m not sure what’s the most ridiculous part of this recent episode.
Was it the person who phoned in the dangerous car sticker that slightly resembles a marijuana leaf?  The cops insinuated that it was another cop who called it in.
Or perhaps the idiotic Tennessee cops that pulled over the elderly couple with armor-covered police in black vans simply because they might have had a marijuana leaf sticker on their car?  Although, perhaps the most ridiculous part is the cop, after learning that it’s a buckeye leaf common to Ohio State fans, still ordered the woman to remove the sticker.
Buckeye leaf via shutterstock
Buckeye leaf 
This is just crazy.
It takes a special kind of stupid to think a major drug-running gang trafficking in marijuana would be so stupid as to put marijuana stickers on their car, just so everyone knows they’re doing it.
But then again, Tennesse is the same state where:
  • the lieutenant governor called Islam a cult (OK, technically that is scientifically correct although the scientific meaning was not what the moron intended.)
  • the repugican cabal called for jailing anyone that followed Shariah law
  • the state wanted to let science teachers offer alternatives (i.e. a pack of lies) to teaching about climate change
  • a repugican legislator claimed that AIDS came about “from one guy screwing a monkey”
  • a local gun nut made a video saying he was “gonna start killing people” if President Obama issued any executive orders on guns
  • a school principal told kids ”If you’re gay you’re going to hell”
  • the state tea party said on Barney Frank’s retirement “good riddance you perverted sodomite“
  • a repugican congressman suggested secession from the Union over health care reform (do you promise?)
  • the state legislature and governor bash gays pretty much every chance they get (along with the help of the US Chamber of Commerce)
  • where only 33% of repugican primary voters think President Obama was born in the US.
It’s bad enough that far too many states still spend far too much time focusing on marijuana, but this is too much. Are these people really responsible for maintaining law and order? If only the Tennessee police weren’t serious when they did this.
Two officers approached, one on each side of the car.
“They were very serious,” she said. “They had the body armor and the guns.”….
“What are you doing with a marijuana sticker on your bumper?” he asked her.
She explained that it is actually a Buckeye leaf decal, just like the ones that Ohio State players are given to put on their helmets to mark good plays.
“He looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language,” she said.
And to make matters worse, the police who can’t tell the difference between a marijuana leaf and a buckeye leaf, told the elderly woman that she should remove the sticker from her window.  This was AFTER she explained that it was a buckeye leaf.
I love the woman’s comment:
“It’s just amazing they would be that dumb,” Bonnie Jonas-Boggioni said.
It’s not amazing.  It’s Tennessee.

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