Tuesday, February 5, 2013

While Leading the Laziest House in History, John Boehner Tells Obama To Do His Job

Boehner confused
John Boehner leads one half of the most unproductive Congress in history; yet, today he told President Obama to do his job.

In the ultimate blame Obama statement, Boehner said:
For the fourth time in five years this White House has proven it does not take trillion-dollar deficits seriously enough to submit a budget on time. In contrast, repugicans will meet our obligations and pass another budget in the coming weeks that addresses our spending problem, promotes robust job creation, and expands opportunity for all Americans. The president’s Senate now must pass a budget this year for the first time in nearly four years, or lose its pay. It’s long past time for the president to do his job. This week, the House will act on a measure requiring the president to submit a balanced budget, and we hope he uses this opportunity to offer the American people his plan to do that.
John Boehner leads a House of Representatives that is one half of the most unproductive Congress in the history of the country. The nation might be able to get things done if the House was in session for more than 124 days this year, and House repugicans would stop passing bills that have no hope of surviving the Senate.
Speaker Boehner and his fellow House repugicans are the equivalent of the lazy relative who is living on your couch and eating all of your food. Except, these moochers on our national couch are costing the taxpayers millions of dollars in salary and benefits each year.
The terrible advice that John Boehner is currently following is coming from Paul Ryan. Rep. Ryan (r-PX90) is the one telling House repugicans that they need to focus on the budget and the deficit. In reality, all of this budget babble coming from the House is all about trying to find something to blame on President Obama.
However, telling the president to do his job while you are leading a legislative body that has accomplished absolutely nothing is a strategy that is destined to highlight the House repugicans’ own ineptitude.
While Obama is trying to make immigration reform and gun control a reality, John Boehner is leading a body that recently tried to repeal Obamacare for the 34th time.
Apparently, irony is completely lost on Speaker Boehner.

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