Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why Christie wasn't Invited to CPAC

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was not invited to speak at CPAC this year because he broke with wingnuts on key issues over the past year, they say.

Said organizer Al Cardenas: (Who?) "CPAC is like the all-star game for professional athletes; you get invited when you have had an outstanding year.
(You mean like Romney and Palin had?)  ha ha

Hopefully he will have another all-star year in the future, at which time we will be happy to extend an invitation. This is a wingnut conference, not a repugican cabal event."

Nate Silver points out that conservatives "had been underrating how moderate Christie was -- perhaps because they were so desperate at that time to find alternatives to Romney and their other six dwarfs. Now that he's been 'outed' as a moderate, it may be hard to close the closet door."

Al Sharpton says Chris Christie is THE most popular repugican in America.I thought about it and I agree - what repugican is more popular as Christie? 

Nobody, that's who, which is why the repugican cabal won't have anything to do with him.

ha ha

It's like Pigboy and FAUX News are counter-spies working for us - for free.

They won't allow the repugican cabal to get into a position where they might win.

repugican women head to CPAC

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