Sunday, March 24, 2013

A $3 Bowl Found in a Garage Sale Sold at Auction for $2.2 Million

Talk about a garage sale find! A New York family picked up a Chinese bowl at a garage sale for $3 and found out that it's actually a 1,000-year-old treasure worth $2.2 million:
The bowl — ceramic, 5 inches in diameter and with a saw-tooth pattern etched around the outside — went to a London dealer, Giuseppe Eskenazi, at Sotheby’s auction house in New York on Tuesday.
Sotheby’s said the bowl was from the Northern Song Dynasty, which ruled China from 960 to 1127 and is known for its cultural and artistic advances.
The auction house said the only other known bowl of similar size and design has been in the collection of the British Museum for more than 60 years.
I know what I'll be doing this weekend: bowl huntin'! NBC News has the story: Here. [Warning: auto-starting video]

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