Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Astronomical News

The video game, Lacuna Passage, is using real life martian landscape, as imaged by the HiRISE camera.
A recent simulation predicts that NASA's New Horizons probe could slam into a rocky killing field encircling the "binary planet" Pluto-Charon, during its 2015 flyby.
In Chile, a brand new radio telescope is coming to life -- Discovery News' Nicole Gugliucci was there to see the inauguration of the impressive Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array.
A trio of quasars, only the second of its kind ever discovered, has been found 9 billion light years away.
Astronomy can be a cosmic detective story, and our enduring fascination with the solar system's mysterious hinterland of small icy objects in the Kuiper belt is no exception. 
A newly discovered star system, made up of a pair of tiny brown dwarfs, is just 6.5 light-years away - this makes it the closest to be found since 1916, and the third closest star system to the sun! 

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