Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dog found owner's wedding ring among acres of woodland

A mother who thought her beloved wedding ring was lost forever was shocked when her dog led her to its exact spot among acres of woodland. Jayne Brady, from Greasby, Wirral, Merseyside, was devastated when she realized her titanium and gold wedding band had slipped off her finger during her daily errands last month. The 43-year-old had searched everywhere for the piece of jewellery and put up signs appealing for people to look out for it in Arrowe Country Park but had no luck.
She had lost it at the beginning of February but it wasn’t until more than three weeks later that her boxer dog, Roxy, picked up a stick in the park to reveal the sparkling ring. Mother-of-two Jayne said: “I had taken the day off work and had a few things to do like take the children to nursery and go to the petrol station as well as walk the dogs. So when I noticed the ring was gone later that evening I knew it had to be in one of the three places.

“I contacted the park rangers who opened up the locked bin for me because we thought it could have slipped off as I put my dogs’ mess in there. I put up posters all over the place, hoping that by some sort of miracle I would get it back but nothing. So you can imagine my surprise when three weeks and one day exactly later, Roxy was rummaging around the fields at Arrowe Park and wanted me to pick up a stick for her to chase after. But as I picked up the stick, there was my ring just sitting on top of the grass. I was totally blown away and couldn’t believe it had been there the whole time.

”I was sure that I would never see it again because we had had really bad weather since I lost it so thought it would have been well trodden into the ground. I know I am very lucky to have found, especially as the rangers told the grass was about to be cut days later!” Now Jayne, who has been married to her husband Brian for three years, is hoping she can keep her ring safe in future. She added: “It wasn’t the best timing of losing the ring as our anniversary was just over a week away at the time. But I will definitely be keeping a close eye on it now and am very grateful to Roxy for leading me to it!”

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