Thursday, March 28, 2013

Girls basketball team accused of putting urine in rival’s water

Parents of Monett High School players are upset about something that happened at a girls basketball game at Cassville High School in southwest Missouri. Cassville players admitted they poured urine into a water cooler used by Monett players during the game. Parents of Monett High School players have received a letter about the prank from Monett school administrators.
The letter says four members of the Cassville team each urinated into a cup, then poured urine from only one player into the cooler. It says Cassville High School administrators learned about the prank. The letter says Cassville school leaders punished the players and are looking into whether "further discipline is warranted." It also says Cassville administrators "apologized for the incident and regret that anything of this nature has occurred."The letter says Monett school administrators are looking into the health risks involved, and asked infectious disease specialists for assistance.


"Our understanding at this time is that the individual whose urine was used will be undergoing tests to determine if any health risks are present. We will pass along any information we receive," says the letter, which was signed by Monett High School Principal David Steward and Athletic Director Daryl Bradley. Cassville administration would not comment on whether urine tests are in fact being done. Cassville School District Superintendent Jill LeCompte sent a written statement on the incident that says they've "investigated the incident and determined that an inappropriate act had occurred. Disciplinary actions have been taken."

The letter to Monett parents also ask that there be no retaliation. "We are asking you, as parents, to help us work with our girls and their friends to handle this situation with professionalism and restraint. We understand that all of us in Monett are angered and frustrated by this occurrence and the amount of time before the incident came to light. We encourage you to support our stance that retaliation in any way stoops to the level of the offense committed against us and is counter productive. Our goal is to work through any lingering issues and put this incident behind us quickly," the letter says.

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