Saturday, March 23, 2013

Health and Science News

At the dawn of third millennium medical researchers still know very little about gender-specific differences in illness, particularly when it comes to disease symptoms, influencing social and psychological factors, and the ramifications of these differences [...]
When I was in my mid-twenties, my brother had a crazy idea to ditch out on work for a month to walk the Camino de Santiago. For those not familiar, the Camino is an ancient [...]
Chimpanzees watch what they eat and when, which may show that these primates are giving some thought to the quality of their food, according to Purdue University research. “There is an association between the time [...]
In new research published in the April 4, 2013 issue of The American Journal of Human Genetics, researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) demonstrate that some variants in our genes that could put a [...]
Scientists examining evidence across the world from New Jersey to North Africa say they have linked the abrupt disappearance of half of earth’s species 200 million years ago to a precisely dated set of gigantic [...]

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